Great Lakes
A lighthouse watches the sunset over Lake Michigan.
The view from our campsite in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore on Lake Superior.
Another one from Pictured Rocks. It looked like the Caribbean there.
Miner’s Castle in Pictured Rocks. In the 1800s this area was one of the leading producers of iron ore.
The ‘Pictured Rocks`
A lighthouse along the Minnesota shore of Lake Superior. This lighthouse was built in the early 1900s after ‘The Storm of the Century’ wrecked a dozen ships against the North Shore.
The boat that we took to Isle Royale. It was an hour and a half ride across the seemingly endless Lake Superior.
The view from the back of the boat, before the rain started…
Our first view of Isle Royale.
Passengers on the Seahunter III
The welcome sign on Isle Royale. One of the few sights we saw outside of the visitor’s center.
A merganser in the harbor of Isle Royale.
The Rock of Ages Lighthouse. This lighthouse took 4 men working around the clock to operate. It’s now fully automated.
The 3000 pound fresnel lens of the Rock of Ages Lighthouse.
The view from our Grand Portage Casino campground.
The Grand Portage Waterfall — the largest waterfall in Minnesota.
A funky tackle shop in Grand Marais, Minnesota. One of our favorite towns on the trip!
The view of Lake Superior from Grand Marais
A local caught in the middle of supper.
A young Bald Eagle. The Bald Eagle lives along the North Shore year round.